Thursday, May 28, 2015


How many churches in Japan?

This was a question raised by a pastor at an interfaith worship service we attended.  The pastor went on and on about how there were NOT 300 and NOT 400, etc churches, but there were something like 7,000.

BEEP!  Wrong!  We both wanted to shout.

There is only one church in Japan. God's church.  God only has one church in the whole world.

On Sunday we celebrated the birth of that church.  At Tokyo Lutheran we gathered as one body and worshipped singing songs in our two languages: English & Japanese.  One can imagine what it would have been like that day when the Holy Spirit came upon everyone.

At the end of the service, the children throw rose petals to symbolize the Holy Spirit coming upon us.

After worship we had American style hotdogs, Slovakian soup, Korean Kimchi, Japanese Rice Balls, German Cheesecake, Cookies from Paris, and more!!